
Friday, June 24, 2016

Not Retrieving Pending Tasks. Check BPS Connectivity + WSO2 APIM 1.10

Hi All,
I got this issue when configuring the APIM workflow support.  Because of this issue APIM admin dashboard cannot retrieve any of the pending tasks which needed to be approve.

WARN {}- Not Retrieving Pending Tasks. Check BPS Connectivity {}

WSO2 Versions - 
API Manager 1.10
BPS 3.5.1

Please find the Bellow steps to Identify the correct issue (debug) and fix.

- This issue can mainly occur due to an incorrect bps path given for the workFlowServerURL in the Admin Dashboard.
Verify the workFlowServerURL in the site.json file.
 <APIM HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/admin-dashboard/site/conf/site.json 

- If your issue is still exists, this can be occur due to a connection timeout or a certificate issues. Easiest way to verify the issue is by putting a log to the login.jag
<APIM HOME>/repository/deployment/server/jaggeryapps/admin-dashboard/modules/user/login.jag

grep the code and find the WARN message "Not Retrieving Pending Tasks" 
Add the bellow mention error log to the code and test again. You will get the full stack trace and it will be easy to identify the main issue.
} catch(e) {
    log.warn("Not Retrieving Pending Tasks. Check BPS Connectivity");

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