
Friday, April 17, 2015

How to Edit the Contents of a .Jar File Without Extracting on a Mac

Hi friends,

Well this post will show you how to edit the content of a jar file without extracting the jar file in 4 simple steps. Works most of the time and it will save time to extract jar and back aging creating so on.

You cannot edit the class files ONLY the config files like xmls


Go to the file location from the terminal and open it from the vi /vim editor


You will get a list of files in the jar after doing Step 1. Select the file you want to edit by using up and down keys and press ENTER


After completing the Step 2 you will be able to  open the file you chose. edit the content as you prefer and press "esc" escape key and ":wq!" to save and quit (Normal vi commands)


You will be direct to the same screen in Step 2 after saving the content. press "esc" escape key and ":q!" to quit (Normal vi commands)

That is it. so you don't have to extract to edit the content and save the time :)
let me know if this works or you found much simpler way to do it

Thank you
Best Regards,